Online Florist Directory

Our Online Florist Directory is an easy and effective way to connect people looking for bespoke flower products with trusted, local florists. When a prospective shopper is searching for something unique and wants to visit a nearby florist, the ‘Find a Florist’ function on our Online Florist Directory offers the perfect solution. 

A presence on our directory gives you exposure to many of the 14m consumers who visit every year. 


The Online florist directory has two types of listings:


Standard (£15pm)  

An online business listing on displaying your location, opening hours and contact information.


Premium (£25pm)

An online business listing as above but with an additional gold link which opens a bespoke detailed florist page. This showcases local designs, about us content, specialties and includes an email address and a link to a florist’s own website. 


From as little as £15 per month, you can enjoy low-cost advertising and improved search engine visibility for your business with our Online Florist Directory. 


For more info get in touch with your business account coordinator by emailing: